Month: May 2008

  • Programming is Fun (Again)

    I’ve been programming since 1975 and, boy, are my arms tired 🙂 Throughout these times, I’ve seen numerous developments that have made programming easier or harder. Consider this: I first started programming when I was 15 years old. This was on a Univac 1108 running an interactive BASIC interpreter. As this was my first development…

  • What Linux Needs To Learn From Windows

    My company (Likewise Software) develops software for UNIX, Linux and Mac OS X. Our code is system-level, infrastructure, software. It interacts with the authentication components in the OS in order to allow users to login to these non-Windows systems using their Microsoft Active Directory credentials. By supporting single username/password and single sign-on and by supporting Windows-style “group policy” on non-Windows systems we…

  • The Decline and Fall of Microsoft? Conclusion.

    What can Microsoft do to reverse the trends that I’ve talked about in the last 4 posts? First, let me admit that it’s possible that Microsoft accomplish this by doing what it’s always done: grinding it out. Keep investing in Windows Mobile; keep pouring money into MSN; invest some serious money in the Zune business.…