Month: November 2009

  • The "Aura Effect" or "Why Personal Transformation is so Hard"

    I’ve been using the term “Aura Effect” for years but, for the likes of me, I can’t remember where I picked up the phrase. Neither Google nor the Urban Dictionary turn up much that’s useful. Thus, before I get going on personal transformation, let me first explain the “Aura Effect”: Have you ever read a…

  • The 10 Best Things I’ve Ever Done

    Run for student government in high school Take “Lab Research” in 11th grade Go to Princeton Ask Sally to move out to California with me Go to work at Microsoft Have children Live in Spain for two years Start my own company Study Mandarin for two weeks in Shanghai #1 seems pretty silly but when…

  • Zàijiàn Shanghai

    My two weeks in Shanghai are over. I’m on the plane flying to San Francisco. I keep thinking over my experience in China, but it’s too early for me to make any sense of it. Every time I close my eyes I relive a one minute clip but I still can’t piece it all together…