Egads – another year, another post

I think the key is to write without trying to be too clever (or clever at all). Let the words take care of things.

Key life changes in the past year:

– Left Likewise; started working at Level 11/Synapse. 6 years at a company is a long time. I was at Microsoft for 11, but it was really 3 different jobs (OS, Tools, Research). Learning new things again is always energizing.

– Empty nest – Danielle and Steven are both off to college. Although I miss them, life has gotten a whole lot simpler.

– After all my 50th year travels, it’s Sally’s turn. We’re off to Fiji, New Zealand and Australia later this year. Zikes.

– My mother turns 91 this year. I sucks getting old.

– Traveling periodically to FL. Alas, it’s upstate and I don’t generally get to see friends or family while there.

I’ll try to write more frequently this year. Anticipated themes: elections, the South Pacific, overcoming adversity and aging.