Programming is Fun (Again)
I’ve been programming since 1975 and, boy, are my arms tired 🙂 Throughout these times, I’ve seen numerous developments that have made programming easier or harder. Consider this: I first started programming when I was 15 years old. This was on a Univac 1108 running an interactive BASIC interpreter. As this was my first development…
What Linux Needs To Learn From Windows
My company (Likewise Software) develops software for UNIX, Linux and Mac OS X. Our code is system-level, infrastructure, software. It interacts with the authentication components in the OS in order to allow users to login to these non-Windows systems using their Microsoft Active Directory credentials. By supporting single username/password and single sign-on and by supporting Windows-style “group policy” on non-Windows systems we…
The Decline and Fall of Microsoft? Conclusion.
What can Microsoft do to reverse the trends that I’ve talked about in the last 4 posts? First, let me admit that it’s possible that Microsoft accomplish this by doing what it’s always done: grinding it out. Keep investing in Windows Mobile; keep pouring money into MSN; invest some serious money in the Zune business.…