Inescapable Truth #3: There Will Be Poor Always
In the U.S., poor people are more likely to be obese than rich people. Obesity is inversely proportional to family income. Doesn’t this just blow you away? Surely, poor people don’t have enough money to buy food, right? How can they be obese? The answer, of course, is that in the U.S. fast, unhealthy, food…
Inescapable Truth #2: People Act in Their Own Self Interest
One of the keystones of the scientific method is the concept of reproducibility. If you perform an experiment, someone else should be able to reproduce your results. Few experiments have been subjected to this test as often as that of the Prisoner’s Dilemma. In this experiment, two prisoners can either stay quiet or rat on…
Inescapable Truth #1: We Not All Created Equal
There are no pygmies playing in the NBA. Only women have babies. Whites are six times more likely to die of skin cancer than blacks. Duh. Clearly, there are genetic differences between different groups of people in the world. Whether we group people by gender or ethnicity, it is easy to find certain differences based…