Month: December 2008

  • The Mess in the Middle East

    I find myself in the weird position of having both sympathy and condemnation for the Palestinians in Gaza. I don’t know whether to criticize the Israelis for all the civilian casualties or to criticize the Palestinian civilians for bringing it on themselves. As to my sympathy for the Palestinians, it’s simple. I believe that the…

  • On Houses, Cameras and Girlfriends

    It is my observation that people most often want what is immediately out of reach. I remember having a conversation a couple of years ago with a friend who was trying to buy a house in my neighborhood. He was bemoaning that he could only afford a $1 million dollar house and not a nicer one that…

  • Visit My Blog at Likewise Software

    I’ve recently exported/imported all of my entries to my company’s blog site. If you’re interested in reading my technical musings, you should visit that site instead. This site will now contain personal, non-technical, blog entries.