Category: Interoperability

  • Identity Management Systems

    I’ve spent the past couple of days looking at IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (ITIM). One of our customers uses this product and wants us to be able to work with it. It’s pretty cool, but somewhat painful to get running. It’s a Web-based application so, naturally, it’s built on top of IBM Websphere. It needs…

  • Monitoring: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

    In my last post, I mentioned network and application monitoring as one of those best practices that’s unfortunately not practiced as often as it should be. The importance of monitoring systems cannot be overstated. You want to know that your computers are functioning as you expect them to and that the applications running on them…

  • Why (OS) Architecture Matters

    In previous posts (for example, What Linux Needs to Learn From Microsoft) I’ve complained about the lack of management APIs in Linux and UNIX. Microsoft Windows has a comprehensive set of management APIs for a variety of OS features: Networking File/printer sharing Event logs Registry I/O Service control etc. Moreover, each of these APIs typically…